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  • 12 Apr 2023 10:44 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Late last night we learned the Road Trails Act unanimously passed third and final reading. This is great news. Once again, I would like to thank everyone who was involved with this huge effort to bring about positive change for our sport and organization.  

    The Act still needs to be proclaimed into law and we need more information on exactly how roads will be identified as “Road Trails”. We have submitted a long list of prospective areas created in conjunction with local clubs. 

    The passage of this Act does not mean you can ride your ATV or side by side on any road today. Further details need to be communicated from the department and as we learn those details we will share through our emails and on our website. 

    You can find up-to-date information on the Share The Road page on our website. 

    Thank you,

    Barry Barnet 
    Executive Director 

  • 29 Mar 2023 9:33 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bill 273, the Road Trails Act, has now passed the second reading and has been passed to the Law Amendments Committee.

    Click here for more information on Share The Road

    For more information on Bill 273 and the legislative process, click here: https://nslegislature.ca/legislative-business/bills-statutes/bills/assembly-64-session-1/bill-273

  • 24 Mar 2023 11:16 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    AWESOME Day for ATVANS and ATV Riding in Nova Scotia 

    Bill to Allow OHV Road Travel in Nova Scotia Introduced 

    Today Minister Kim Masland introduced a bill putting an end to the “Share The Road” pilot project and making road travel in certain areas legal in Nova Scotia. The bill applies the same rules as the pilot project and new candidate sites will be added as they are evaluated. The bill also allows for municipalities to create bylaws to allow OHV travel on roads they control, where appropriate. 

    This is an exciting time for our organization and sport. This was a ten-year effort that finally paid off. We will need to have clear communication and the bill must still make its way through the legislative process. Government has assured me that they will make this happen quickly.  

    ATVANS will provide additional details as we learn them in the coming days. 

    In attendance at the legislature were Barry Barnet, Executive Director, Paul Smith, Treasurer, Tom Arnold, Vice President, Eric Rideout, Trails Coordinator and Jen MacIsaac, Member Services Coordinator. 

    L-R: Tory Rushton (Cumberland South), Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables; Jen MacIsaac, ATVANS Member Services Coordinator; Eric Rideout, ATVANS Trails Coordinator; Kim Masland (Queens), Minister of Public Works; Barry Barnet, ATVANS Executive Director; Tim Houston (Pictou East), Premier of Nova Scotia; Barb Adams (Eastern Passage), Minister of Seniors and Long-Term Care; Danielle Barkhouse (Chester-St. Margaret's), Deputy Speaker; Tom Arnold, ATVANS Vice President 2; Paul Smith, ATVANS Treasurer; Brad Johns (Sackville-Uniacke), Attorney General and Minister of Justice

    We have included the government press release for additional information: 

    News release 

    Legislation Supports Off-Highway Vehicle Use 

    Public Works 

    March 24, 2023 - 9:14 AM 

    The new Road Trails Act, introduced today, March 24, creates a permanent set of rules so off-highway vehicle (OHV) operators can safely enjoy their vehicles on roads at approved locations. 

    This also gives riders improved trail connections and better access to services like gas stations and restaurants. 

    “The OHV pilot project showed us that Nova Scotians want to be able to use their vehicles to have fun, meet up with friends and enjoy the natural beauty of our province,” said Public Works Minister Kim Masland. “This legislation makes sure we can continue to use current OHV sites, while giving us a way to safely add more connections.” 

    The rules for using portions of provincial roads will remain the same as they were under the pilot project. Riders are required to have a valid driver’s licence, insurance, registration and a licence plate. 

    The act also allows for enforcement of the rules and gives municipalities the ability to designate local streets for the use of off-highway vehicles through bylaws. 

    Our members across Nova Scotia have been patiently waiting for this day. This legislation will help us make vital connections, create safer travel and grow the local economy. 
    Barry Barnet, Executive Director, All-Terrain Vehicle Association of Nova Scotia 

    Quick Facts: 

    • the off-highway vehicle pilot project started in 2018 and will end October 2, 2023 

    • Nova Scotia’s Off-highway Vehicles Act has not been amended significantly since 2006 

    Additional Resources: 

    Off-highway vehicle pilot project and reports: https://novascotia.ca/ohv-pilot/ 

    Department of Public Works on Twitter: https://twitter.com/NS_PublicWorks 

    Bill 273 (as introduced), First Reading: 

  • 07 Mar 2023 9:15 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    From ATVANS Executive Director, Barry Barnet:

    ATVANS promotes safe responsible ATVing across Nova Scotia. Last fall members were asked to provide input into a study being conducted on behalf of Injury Free Nova Scotia. Although I don’t concur with all the results of the study some important findings and recommendations are embedded within the report. Most importantly: addressing effective enforcement of existing OHV rules, following known and proven safety measures like wearing proper equipment, safety training and refraining from using drugs and alcohol while riding.  

    The report is very detailed and can be viewed by clicking on the attached link:

    A Path Towards Improved OHV Rider Safety Report.pdf

  • 18 Jan 2023 11:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The following CCH grant program deadline is fast approaching. Do not miss your opportunity to apply for and receive grant funding for your upcoming trail project. Applications are now being accepted for the 2023-2024 program. The deadline is March 14th 2023.


    The Recreational Trail Expansion Grant Program 2023-2024 is now accepting applications. 

    This Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage (CCH) grant program provides funding to community groups, municipalities, Mi’kmaq Band Councils, and not-for- profit organizations to develop new trails, expand recreational trails, and perform capital upgrades to existing trails in order to increase opportunities for Nova Scotians to recreate in the outdoors and connect with nature.  

    The guidelines for the Recreational Trail Expansion Grant program are attached. Soon they will be available on the Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage web site. The deadline to apply is March 14th, 2023.  We strongly encourage you to discuss your project with your CCTH Regional Manager before submitting an application. Regional Manager contact information can be found on the final page of the attached Guidelines.

    2023.2024 Recreational Trail Expansion Guidelines.pdf

  • 09 Jan 2023 11:39 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hubbards ATV club would like to thank all of the participants who came to our rally. And congratulations to the winners listed below.

    1st place Charles MacDougell

    2nd place Jeff Teal

    3rd place Nick Morash

    50/50 draw 4203117 won by Andy McGregor

  • 13 Dec 2022 10:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Today the Province announced a new WPA in Upper Sackville and expansion to several others. Staff at the wilderness branch have assured us that areas where existing trails will be accommodated and detailed discussions will take place prior to registration of designation.

    Past experience shows that although we haven't always been 100% accommodated we usually get what we need. An open mind and trust on both sides will be needed.

    May be an image of 8 people, people standing and text that says 'OurNature, Our OUR FUTURE 20% by 2030 Our Natu OUR 20% by 20 'RE'

  • 12 Dec 2022 10:44 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Congratulations and thank you to David White who put his name forward and was selected to serve as the new zone director for zone 2. David is a member of Queens County ATV club. David has been riding for over 25 years and is excited about helping advance riding opportunities in his area.

  • 11 Dec 2022 10:46 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    What a great visit to Eskasoni First Nation. Met some great people at their ATV information session and rally. Great to meet Chief Leroy and a band Councillor.

    They have a great club who are looking forward to becoming part of ATVANS soon.

  • 09 Dec 2022 3:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A great news piece from The Signal. Have a read and share.


    A sign marks the beginning of the Porters Lake Off-Highway Vehicle Pilot Project route on Myra Road. While the Porters Lake route is short and connects nearby trails, others across the province extend for more than five kilometres.

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