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Browser compatibility changes to comply with PCI mandate

The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) has mandated that all credit card processors must retire version 1.0 of an encryption method called TLS (Transport Layer Security).

To comply with this directive, and ensure the highest standards of security and data integrity, the ATVANS website will stop supporting TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 on March 12, 2018, but will continue to support TLS version 1.2. However, some older browser versions do not support TLS 1.2, so you may have to upgrade your browsers if you want to make payments on this site.

Below is a list of browsers versions that support TLS 1.2 and higher:

BrowserMinimum supported versionNotes
Google ChromeVersion 38 or higherRecommend using latest version
Internet ExplorerVersion 11 or higherVersion 8-10 can be configured to support
TLS 1.2 when running Windows 7 or higher
Microsoft EdgeAny versionAll versions support TLS 1.2
FirefoxVersion 27 or higherRecommend using latest version
Safari (desktop)Version 7 or higherUse OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or higher
Safari (mobile)Version 5 or higherUse iOS 5 or higher
OperaVersion 50 or higherRecommend using latest version

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