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ATVANS Community Blog

This is our community blog area. If you would like to share what is going on with your local club, or if you had an interesting trip please feel free to email it to us along with any pictures associated with your story. 

New Brunswick - Fun Run - Sept 18 to 20

Some known names from ATVANS, Corey Rodar (Trails Coordinator), Paul Smith (Treasurer), Marty Jefferies (Website and design guy), and Richard Ward (Past president of the Marine Riders), went up to New Brunswick for a weekend Fun Run at Marty's Cottage. It was Corey and Paul's first use of their ATVANS trail pass in the reciprocal agreement between NBATVF and ATVANS (their first time riding in NB). 

The location we traveled to was the Wickham and Cambridge Narrows area, which is basically right between Sussex, Saint John and Fredericton on the Washademoak Lake which is part of the St. John River system.

On day 1 we traveled to the Evandale Resort for lunch, which overlooks the St. John River. It was a drizzly/rainy day, which was great because there was no dust at all. The trip covered approx 105 kms and included traveling across one of New Brunswick 5 cable ferries.

Day 2 we traveled to Norton where we had a BBQ lunch at Marty's Uncle's place. Along the way we met up with a group of locals and traveled with them. The trip covered approx 140 kms, and unfortunately the dust made an appearance towards the end of the day as things dried out from the day before.

The local club in the area is the Slo-Poke ATV Club #43, who are a relatively new club and have just signed their first couple of LOAs for trails in the area. They are well known for their end of summer rally which starts in Cambridge Narrows and goes to the Evandale Resort and back. Last year they had rides even come from PEI. This year of course they had to cancel their rally due to COVID-19.

Corey Robar - July 2020 Power Tour Recap

Starting on July 3rd I did a 12-day road trip around the province visiting with various clubs, looking at projects they had completed with grants from the OHVIF, ATVANS Small Grant Program and some just with money from their own bank accounts along with volunteer labour and other donated items/services.

Friday Day 1

Travelled to Baddeck and met up with Baddeck ATV Club and Victoria County Trails.  We were out looking at the trail that leads from Baddeck to the new bridge over the 105 highway. This will eventually lead to the trails system in the Highlands. There is a private landowner issue to be resolved to the North of the bridge but the community trail group is working diligently to get things resolved and the Baddeck ATV Club is a member of this group.

Saturday Day 2

Awoke in beautiful Margaree at Cranton Cottages which is directly on the trails system. Spent the day out with Cape Breton Highlands Club looking at a connector trail to a restaurant/campground that needs to be reconstructed and other trail work they would like to get done.

Sunday Day 3

Did some mapping and verification of trails up in the highlands.

Monday Day 4

Left Margaree and spent the day out on the trails in Queensport , then out looking at other trail connections/new trails the club is planning for the area in the Dover, Little Dover and Canso areas. Travelled to Parrsboro, staying at the Sunshine Inn for the next week.

Tuesday Day 5

Spent the day with the Chignecto ATV Club in the Advocate area looking at work completed through our small grant program, updated some trail mapping and looking at new work they are interested in doing. Then, went to Cumberland County Riders meeting (held outdoors) and went on a run afterwards with the club gathering GPS data and looking at a project they are interested in doing.

Chignecto ATV Club Area Pictures

Cumberland County Area Pictures

Wednesday Day 6

Spent the day out on trails with Colchester Five Islands ATV Club looking at projects they have completed, future projects and updating the mapping data for the area. They will soon have a new trail head with plenty of parking space.

Thursday Day 7

Did a phone interview with reporter from the Guysborough Journal (she was supposed to go out with me on Monday in Queensport but was unable to) and participated in a Trails Strategy Coordinating Group zoom call in the morning. Spent the rest of the day out on the trails with the Cobequid OHV Club, gathering GPS data, looking at projects the club has on the go, future work and collecting information for their Land Owner Agreement (LOA) application to Lands & Forestry (L&F).

Friday Day 8

Today was spent out on the trails in the Oxford area towards Amherst with a Sunrise Trails ATV club member. Gathering GPS data and seeing some of the great work that has been done.

Saturday Day 9

Taking the day to catch up on emails and process some GPS data from the last week. I would like to highlight where I have been staying since Monday and for a couple more nights. Sunshine Inn is a beautiful place to stay, friendly and great hospitality. There is no direct trail access yet (plans being discussed) but they are only 500m from the nearest trail. If you want to do a staycation it's a great spot to be. Best part is, they are one of the partners on the ATVANS members discount page and you save 10% by showing you are a member of ATVANS. Does not take long to get the price of your membership back. thesunshineinn.ca

Sunday Day 10

Spent my last day here in the Parrsboro area/zone 4 out again with the Colchester Five Islands ATV Club. Got more mapping in of some new trails to be added to the data base in the next updates and more connector trails towards Advocate.

Monday Day 11

Had a positive meeting with NS Transportation & Infrastructure Renewal (TIR) planning and project management staff, local snowmobile and ATV clubs in Antigonish regarding the twinning of highway 104 and maintaining trail connectivity. Then, went out on the trails in the Eigg Mountain - James River Wilderness Area looking at work completed, checking GPS data, and looking at future projects.

Tuesday Day 12

Last day of the "power tour" and I spent it out on the trails with the West Richmond Riders Association (newest ATVANS club) gathering GPS data of the trails in their area, providing advice on best practices for developing the trails and providing advice on grant applications. It shows that there is a need for a club in the area to manage and maintain the trails.
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